Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why is the current advertising model a problem for consumers?

    There’s no accountability. You have virtually no say in how your data is being used, stored, and sold. Plus, you’re not getting paid for any of it.

  • Why is the current advertising model a problem for brands?

    You’re losing money. You don’t know if your ads are reaching real or fake users, or if those real users even care.

  • What’s the problem?

    Search and social media juggernauts like Facebook and Google leverage their platforms for financial gain at the expense of brands and consumers.

    Fabric was built to remove them from the picture.

  • Why does Fabric work?

    It’s a two-fold process.

    Fabric incentivizes consumers to willingly share their data to brands by rewarding them in Social Cash for access to their smart profiles.

    Brands can then target these profiles with Smart Ads that are interesting and relevant to those consumers.

  • What is a Smart Profile?

    A Smart Profile contains your web and social activity. It includes pages you’ve visited, things you’ve bought, and content you’ve engaged with. It also includes data about potential upcoming purchases. It is shared with brands in exchange for Social Cash.

  • What is a Smart Contract?

    A Smart Contract is the mutual value exchange between a brand’s Social Cash and a consumer’s smart profile.

  • What is Social Cash?

    Social Cash are reward points for sharing access to consumer data with Brands. Brands rewards consumers in Social Cash to access their smart profiles on Fabric and for endorsing them. Social Cash cannot be used outside of the marketplace. Social Cash is automatically converted to USD when a user requests a transfer to their fabric bank account. 100 Social Cash Rewards is equivalent to 1 USD.

  • How does Fabric make money?

    Fabric makes a commission when Brands buy Social Cash to initiate a Smart Ad. Fabric makes a commission when Consumers exchange Social Cash for USD. The model is similar to buying and selling a stock on an exchange.

  • Where do I get started?

    1. Create your Smart Profile
    2. Register your unique $Cashtag
    3. Interact with Smart Ads
    4. Earn Social Cash

Create. Register. Interact. Earn.

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